Intervention & Support

The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA December, 2008) commits 'to supporting all young Australians to become successful learners, creative individuals, active and informed citizens' and to promoting equity and excellence in education.

Research and practices highlights the importance of increasingly focussed and targeted interventions and support actions to enable learners to achieve their potential. At Gilles Street Primary School we call these 'Waves of Intervention and Support'.

The First Wave - for all learners

We work with an agreed whole school approach to effective teaching and learning where teachers design differentiated learning experiences and assessment tasks to engage, challenge and support all learners to achieve or exceed agreed standards.

The Second Wave - for some learners

We have a systematic whole school approach to Intervention and Support where identification processes and increasingly intensive support are available for learners. We using evidence based, time bound intervention strategies to engage our learner who need additional or alternative instruction.

Programs include: Minilit, Multilit, Speech, Coordination, Quicksmart Maths, targeted groups of English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD), Aboriginal learners and individual support.

The Third Wave - for a few learners

Quality specialised teaching uses negotiated accommodations to support a small number of our students who need intensive ongoing instruction and support. Known, documented site processes build partnerships beyond the site with referral processes to provide special intervention. Our relationships with Department for Education (DfE) support personnel, Families SA, Autism SA, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are examples of personnel/resources we access for ongoing support.