
The Gilles Street School Library provides a wide range of resources and services. It can be used to assist with learning at school and for personal recreation and relaxation. There is a comprehensive collection of resources available for use by all members of the school community, including our Intensive English Language students who have access to approximately 700 books in 20 languages. There is also a dedicated Parent and Families section containing a wide range of resources focusing on raising and supporting children. It also includes a variety of learning support games.

Two highlights each year are the Premier's Reading Challenge and Book Week. All students are encouraged and actively supported to complete the PRC. Awards are acknowledged and presented during a special assembly in November. Students also participate in a variety of activities including a Dress Up Parade, to celebrate Book Week held in Week 5 of Term 3.

Opening Times
The library is open between 8:30am and 3:30pm Monday-Friday.

Each class has a weekly borrowing session. Students can also borrow before and after school. (Junior Primary students must have a book bag when borrowing).

During recess and lunchtimes students may read, research, draw and play quiet indoor games.

Community members may borrow in the 15 minutes before and after the school day.

We have limits on the number of books students and community can borrow to ensure equitable access to the collection. Borrowing limits are as follows:

  • Junior Primary: 2 books
  • Middle Primary: 4 books
  • Upper Primary: 5 books
Books may be borrowed for 2 weeks

Parents and community members can borrow up to 10 books for 4 weeks.

Books can be returned earlier if wished.

All books are to be returned for the long vacation over December and January.

Overdue Books
In the event that a book is overdue the following will occur:

  1. A reminder note is sent to the class
  2. An overdue note is sent home
  3. A letter asking for payment is sent home
If a book is damaged, please return it to school so we can try to repair it. If it is beyond repair an account will be sent home.

Book Care
We like to keep our books in circulation and therefore encourage our families to look after our books by:

  1. Keeping books in a library bag away from drink bottles and lunch boxes.
  2. Having a special place at home for your library books.
  3. Keeping books away from babies and pets.
  4. Having clean hands when reading.
  5. Turning pages carefully at the corners.
  6. Not eating or drinking while you read.
  7. Making sure lids of drink bottles and lunch boxes are secure.
Library Specialist Lesson
All IELP students have a 50-minute lesson in the library each week. They are exposed to a wide range of texts with an emphasis on building vocabulary through literature.

During Term 2 and 3 the Children's Book Council of Australia Shortlisted Books are read together and students undertake a number of activities around these such as writing reviews, oral retells and drama adaptations.

A part of each lesson is dedicated to browsing books in the library and then selecting some to borrow for home reading.